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Joonas Salojärvi

Originally from Lohja, born in 1996. Moved to Tampere for studies in 2017 and have enjoyed my stay here.

During freetime, I like to workout and play video games. I’m also a DIY enthusiast, and like to experiment with things. For example, I used to brew my own beer, but now I’ve moved to making honey mead (inspired by Skyrim). Home-made pizza with home-made mozzarella besides that and you’ve got yourself a Michelin star worthy meal (or atleast I try to make myself believe so).

As for DIY projects more related to my work, I bought a Raspberry PI just so I could have a “server” at home. I was actually surprised how well it ran things: Jenkins workflows which deployed to Docker in the same machine worked just fine. Adding Robot Framework in to the mix and we almost reached Pi’s limits. I’ve since used it for many school projects.

I get excited about new things and I’m eager to learn. I have broad knowledge, covering many programming languages, frameworks, testing and CI/CD methods, architecture design etc. on the basic level at least. I’m more proficient in JS/TS and Vue. I’ve been doing more frontend than backend overall, but I prefer backend programming more. I enjoy mobile development also.

Work Experience

Oscar Software, 2019 ->

Started as a full stack developer trainee, moving up to more senior level work.

Related projects:

Related article:


Master of Science (2021 - TBD),

Master’s Programme in Computer Science

Tampere University

Ongoing studies.

Bachelor of Business Administration (2017 - 2021),

Business Information Systems

Tampere University of Applied Sciences

During my studies, I took part in tutoring, as well as student union and subject organization work.

In Tampereen Tradenomiopiskelijat Ry (registered student organization for BBA students), I was a board member for 2 years, from 2019 to the end of 2020. First year my role was webmaster, second year I was the vice-chairperson.

Thesis: CI/CD-työkalut web-ohjelmiston jakelussa

Licenses, courses, certifications


Non-ICT Work Experience

MH-Asiamies Lohja, 2017 - 2018

Worked in customer service in Matkahuolto parcel service point. Besides customer service, logistics were part of the job, as you worked alone at the service point. Handling large amounts of money as part of the Western Union service.

Before 2017

Substitute teaching in secondary school. Dish washing and waitering in a couple of restaurants. Pollster for a company, which provided customer satisfaction measurement for other businesses. Packager at a plastic manufacturing plant.